Hepatiq, Inc.
Creator of HEPATIQ® -The Ultimate Liver Test®
- Hospitals spend $12 billion annually worldwide[A] on liver tests that provide modest predictive value.[B,C] HEPATIQ improves outcome prediction by quantifying liver functional reserve.[5,6,12,13,16,17,21,22,24]
- Blood tests, elastography and biopsy assess liver fibrosis or scarring. These tests provide some value but miss the liver’s ability to compensate for fibrosis by regenerating and increasing blood flow. By quantifying remaining functional capacity, HEPATIQ assesses true disease stage. [8,13,16,17,19,20,21,22,27] To use a car analogy, other tests estimate the air in the gas tank. HEPATIQ measures the gas in the gas tank.
HEPATIQ uses new patented software to analyze liver SPECT images and provide six indices of liver disease from a single 20 minute scan: quantitative liver function, steatosis/steatohepatitis, portal hypertension, alcoholic hepatitis, fibrosis stage and variceal size.[5-28] It also provides a liver physiologic stage: H0 (normal) to H5 (transplant candidate).[28] When fibrosis based tests reach the “what now?” point, turn to HEPATIQ for more insight.
HEPATIQ is the only FDA cleared product on the market that quantifies remaining liver function.
HEPATIQ is the only FDA cleared product on the market that quantifies remaining liver function.
Hepatologists, gastroenterologists and internists manage liver disease using fibrosis stage: F0 (normal) to F4 (cirrhosis), which provides a partial view. An F4 or F3 patient may be H0 or H1 and may remain stable for years. On the other hand, an F4 or F3 patient may be H2 or H3 and at risk of liver decompensation.[17] Use HEPATIQ to determine the liver’s physiologic stage and get quantitative information on compensation status and prognosis.
Oncologists, interventionists and surgeons treat liver cancer to improve survival. Patients with compensated cirrhosis and large liver functional reserve can receive the most radical treatment. More individualized assessment is needed for patients with poorer functional reserve.[D] Use HEPATIQ to assess liver functional reserve before an intervention or surgery.
There are 28 publications on HEPATIQ (www.hepatiq.com/publications). The HEPATIQ indices, PHM and fSV, were proven to predict outcomes in the prospective 8-year multi-center HALT-C trial and outperformed blood tests and biopsies.[7] Patients with PHM<95 (H2 to H5) had a 15-fold increase in risk of adverse outcomes.
HEPATIQ is covered by four USA patents (with two more pending) and five foreign patents. It has ten registered trademarks.
Chronic liver disease affects about 1 billion people worldwide. About 32,000 people die each year from it in the USA. The liver diagnostics market is $12 billion/year globally and growing 12% annually.[A] Potential customers for HEPATIQ are about 30,000 hospitals and imaging centers worldwide.
Nuclear medicine physicians and radiologists use HEPATIQ to provide better diagnostics to referring clinical physicians while boosting hospital revenues. HEPATIQ is pure software and uses existing equipment and radioisotope. No capital investment is needed. The scan is reimbursed by insurance under CPT 78803. Medicare pays about $1,400 per scan (private insurance more). We charge the hospital $95 out of that for the HEPATIQ report.
Originally only blood tests and biopsies were available. Elastography first appeared in 2003 and has since become ubiquitous. But, given the limitations of fibrosis measurements, and quantitative liver function now available with HEPATIQ, we are at a turning point in liver disease management. Get in now to benefit from the coming paradigm shift!
Dipu Ghosh, MS, MBA.
Chief Executive Officer
Marcela Pan, MA.Marketing Manager
Heather Hoefs, MA.Medical Education
Jorge LopezSales Rep – Miami
Chris HuntSales Rep – Houston
Scott Peairs
Sales Rep – Denver
Paul Intagliata, BS. CME Software Manager
Ross Abedi, B.Sc.Software Engineer
Anjali Ghosh, B.Sc.Informatics
Dr. (Prof.) Ashish Kumar, MD, DM, FRCP Consultant of Gastroenterology & HepatologySir Ganga Ram Hospital
Dr. Akshat Jain, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics, Hematology/Oncology
Loma Linda University School of Medicine
Seth Lirette, PhD,
Biostatistics and Radiation Oncology
University of Mississippi Medical Center
Dr. Ethel Belho
Sr. Consultant, Nuclear Medicine & PET
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital
Our goal is to make liver diagnosis and prognosis better for the one billion plus people worldwide who have various forms of liver disease. Below is a chart of some of the players in this market prepared by 360iResearch - a third-party market intelligence firm. Hepatiq Inc. (shown with a green oval) is well positioned in the "Vital" quadrant. To learn more about how you can help us accelerate achievment of our goals, please email investors@hepatiq.com.
To apply for a job at Hepatiq, Inc., please send resume and salary expections to staffing@hepatiq.com. We are actively looking to add to our sales staff.
Hepatiq, Inc.
1200 Main Street, Suite B
Irvine, CA 92614, USA.